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Published by Cordite

Carrying water in an earthen vessel

— Manisha Anjali

I follow the birth of fire through the wilds. The lacuna is lined with fable and milk. Bone marrow flowers in the howls.

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Published by Hachette


— Susie Anderson

gums in headlights
mum drives home
after many wines
and one coffee

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Published by Cordite

best australian poem 2023!

— Ender Başkan

either poetry is back! again

or a malicious state-based actor launched a cyber attack

on australianpoetrys servers

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Published by Vagabond Press

Shouldering Pine [extract]

— Broede Carmody

It’s taken me years to realise greymatter  

can harm just as much  
as any grassfire.

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Published by Crawlspace


— Kathryn Gledhill-Tucker

└── one-last-time
└── the-networked-streets-float-in-liminal-space

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Published by Rabbit

I Sing x Peera Ho

— Nadia Niaz

I sing of broken shackles, leaving

overripened plains for dunes

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Published by The Suburban Review

hope this finds you

— Anita Solak

There are countless articles online that say dreaming of emails springs from needing to contact ppl irl.

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Published by Cordite

book of hours

— Harry Reid

the modern office is post-cubicle / friday is losing its cultural relevance / if you’re never really ‘on’ you can never really be ‘off’

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Published by Giramondo

To be consumed in something rather than by it

— Autumn Royal

The more I say I write poetry, the less I express it, and so in a container of salted water, I saturate my pages for tomorrow’s absence.

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Published by Overland

My TED Talk:

— Ouyang Yu

Why do you want to be the best? Is that because you are a lack or there is a lack in you that you feel like filling up all the time? Even when you are named the best, does that mean anything?